IATSE Creates Industry Firearms Expert Roles, Appoints Larry Zanoff and Brook Yeaton

The new advisory positions will see the pair work closely with the negotiating committee to address and mitigate firearm safety issues on-set


The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees has created a pair of new roles to increase firearm safety on-set.

The union appointed industry veterans Larry Zanoff and Brook Yeaton on Thursday as the first Industry Firearms Experts for the entertainment labor union. IATSE, which represents over 168,000 technicians, artisans and craft people in the industry, has now taken a heightened precaution in protecting its members.

These two advisory roles will work closely with IATSE’s negotiating committee to address and mitigate firearm safety issues in the industry. The pair will also represent the union at key industry forums, legislative hearings and regulatory matters that require expert opinions or testimony from entertainment trade professionals.
